Coronavirus/COVID-19 Response

We are currently offering a mix of in-person, online, and hybrid summer classes and workshops starting July 6, but due to restrictions from Washington State and our licensing board, access to PCNW's facilities will be limited to enrolled students until we progress through the state-determined Phases. Our current hours are Sunday - Monday 12-6pm, Tuesday - Thursday 12:30-9pm, Friday - Saturday CLOSED. The gallery will be open by appointment only and limited to groups of ten. Please check your email, our website, and social media for updates and additions to our upcoming programming.

REGISTER FOR SUMMER QUARTER CLASSES! | Image credit (detail) Elisa Huerta-Enochian

JUL 6 – AUG 27 | 2020 THESIS EXHIBITION | Image credit (detail): L: Douglas King, R: Aaron Wheetman

CHASE THE LIGHT 2020 VIRTUAL POP-UP EXHIBITION: Prints on sale until June 26! | Image credit (detail): Susan Hood, Chase The Light 2019

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